マクスウェル・ アンサ
maxwell ANSAH
FW - 背番号15
出身 タクワ(ガーナ)
身長/体重187 / 76.5
On the day 1998/4/21 I was born in Tarkwa Ghana.I have parents and 3 siblings.My sister and 2 brothers which I cherish so much.There was no pressure growing up because my Dad always work in the mining company and didn’t  stay at home.And mom was always working hard as a fashion designer.So I learned cooking during that time because of my little siblings.So I’m really good at cooking. I started soccer when I was 9.But when I turned 14 I moved to my uncle's house and stopped soccer for a while.Because I was a little bit stubborn. I didn’t join any soccer team for 18 months so my passion for football disappeared.

My high school is Fiaseman High School in Tarkwa Ghana. High school really help me a lot. Because that’s where the life I am living now started though. I was playing soccer when I was a kid. In high school I joined the school team which was really good for me. Because in Ghana the youth national team and the regional team are selected from high school. But my first year in high school I couldn’t make first 11.So I was doing the 4x400 meters and 200 meters for the school. We qualified for the regional competition. I really have a confidence to run. From 3 grade of high school, gradually I became first 11 and also, I was playing in Ghana Division 2 league on Vacation. I also got a call up to Ghana U17 team. So I was known by most of the Ghana top clubs. After high school I joined one of Ghana top league club International Allies Fc. Allies FC has some famous players such as Daniel Amartey of Leicester City.

 高校はガーナのタクワにある Fiaseman 高校に進学しました。高校ではサッカー部に所属していたのですが、1年目は試合に出場する機会に恵まれない日々が続きました。そんなこともあり、4×400mリレーと200m走に挑戦しました。地区大会まで進むことができ、今でも短距離走は得意です。高校3年生になると、少しずつ試合にも出場できるようになってきました。同時期に、休暇の期間を利用して部活動とは別でガーナの3部リーグに所属する地元のチームに入団してプレーしていました。そこでの活躍が認められてU-17のガーナ代表に選んでいただくことができました。その結果、ガーナ中のスカウトに注目してもらえるようになり、高校卒業後には International Allies Fcというガーナ1部リーグのチームに入団することができました。 International Allies Fcはとても有名なチームで、現在イングランドプレミアリーグのレスターで大活躍しているダニエルアマーティ選手なども在籍していたチームです。
Professionally I have played in Ghana’s top league for some years. After my high school I was already known by most clubs in Ghana because I was playing in the Division 2 league in Ghana. So I was signed by International Allies FC which play in the top league. I moved to Ghana’s 2nd League side Akosombo Kings Palace FC for some few  months and moved to Vision FC which is also a 2nd League. I played only the first round of the league and Corona virus came. After the virus I move back to Ghana top league again which I signed for Liberty Professionals FC which is one of Ghana’s best team producing a lot of talent like AsamaohGyan,Michael Essien,Sulley Muntari etc. And last year I came to Japan and  joined Ococias Kyoto AC which is in the Kansai league.

 高校卒業後に International Allies FCにてプロキャリアをスタートさせた後、ガーナ2部リーグのAkosombo Kings Palace FCに移籍し、数ヶ月プレーしました。その後、同じ2部リーグに所属するVision FCに加入したのですが、数ヶ月プレーしたタイミングでコロナ禍に見舞われリーグ戦が4ヶ月の間中断してしまいました。中断期間もコンディションを維持するために自主練習を欠かさず実施していました。コロナが収まってきた2021年にガーナ1部リーグの Liberty Professionals FCに入団しました。 Liberty Professionals FCはイングランドプレミアリーグのチェルシーでも活躍したマイケルエッシェン選手なども在籍していた名門クラブです。 Liberty Professionals FCで1年間プレーした後、ガーナでお世話になっていたムスタファコーチから紹介してもらい、2022年に来日して関西リーグに所属するおこしやす京都ACに加入しました。
Right now I move from Kyoto to Sendai,where I joined Michinoku Sendai FC in the Tohoku Division 2. Now I’m looking forward to promote to the Tohoku Division 1 league. And also looking forward to go to J League from there. I am also studying Japanese after training as well. Wanting to improve my communication with Japanese team mates.
Recently I learned some Japanese. Japanese language is very difficult but I have been able to capture some words to make sentences. Example is ‘’Genki desu ka.? which means ‘’How are you.?’’  ‘’Nihongo wo manabiatai’’ that means ‘’I want to learn Japanese’’. I am learning a lot as well.

My hobbies are soccer and watching movies. I like playing soccer even whether rain or shine. Because that’s the job I have chosen to do. And If I am not playing soccer I rest with movies.(Netflix or Ghana Movies(Comedies) About my favorite movie, I watch any movie that’s interesting and catches my attention. I usually watch Ghana movies but sometimes I watch American movies too. One of my favorite American movie is WILD SPEED and GODZILLA
Someday I want to try some Japanese movies too. So if you have any recommendations please let me know.

My Goal is to help the team promote to the Tohoku Division 1 and as well as the J League.But we will take it step by step. Because I am willing to play the J League. I also want to be the top scorer in the Tohoku Division 2.That’s the challenge I have given to myself this year. (Vamos)
